No Pet Should Be In Pain …We Can Help!
Easing Aches and Pains
The animals we share our lives with can communicate a great deal, but they don’t often tell us when something is wrong, or if they’re hurt. What’s more, pets are genetically hardwired to mask any signs of illness or injury as an instinct for survival. The result? Many companion animals suffer needlessly from the effects of pain, and their owners may not even realize it. This can cause pain to get worse and cause other problematic symptoms.
How to Detect Pain
If your pet shrinks to your touch or shows visible agitation or stress when handled, they could be in pain. However, to truly understand the far-reaching effects of pain (and in order to manage it), veterinary diagnostics are essential. Being able to carefully identify and treat health problems can allow for faster and more effective treatment. Lab work and imaging can go hand-in-hand to determine exactly what’s causing a pet’s pain. A close look at the internal organs and bones can lead to a greater understanding of potential injury, location, and severity.
We now offer Ultrasound services, including echocardiograms, abdominal & thoracic ultrasounds.
Common Issues
As they age, pets may experience pain related to arthritis or intervertebral disc disease. It is an essential aspect of senior pet wellness to understand what’s going on, and how you can enhance quality of life.
Pets recovering from soft tissue or dental surgery may need help combatting the effects of pain. When pain gets out of control, healing time may increase.
A Look at Pet Behavior
A positive outcome for your pet is well within reach when pain management is a priority. Please don’t wait to seek help for your pet if you notice any changes to their behavior. It could be a slight deviation from their normal habits that raises a red flag, or it could be something as plain as:
- Increased vocalization
- Hiding
- Clinginess
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
- Uncharacteristic aggression
- Pinning back the ears
- Licking at a specific spot
- Decreased mobility
- Stiffness or limping
- Panting
- Restlessness
Treating Pet Pain
We are happy to discuss the option for pet pain relief with you. Depending on your pet’s condition, the appropriate treatment for your pet’s individual needs may include:
- Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
- Prescription pain medication
- Cortisone
- Laser therapy
Time Is of the Essence
Our team at Animal Medical Center is here to help your pet enjoy a healthy, pain-free life. We can get to the bottom of their symptoms and set them on the bath to well-being in no time.
Please give us a call at (813) 654-6222 with any questions or concerns, or request an appointment today.